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third virial coefficient中文是什么意思

用"third virial coefficient"造句"third virial coefficient"怎么读"third virial coefficient" in a sentence


  • 第三位力系数
  • 展式第三项系数


  • Correlation for third virial coefficients of pure fluids
  • A new model , which is expand - corresponding - states form with 4 characteristic parameters , is built . the second and third virial coefficients of dry air , water vapor and humid air are determined
    在湿度0 w 1kg / kg ( a ) ,温度小于573 . 15k ,压力小于5mpa时,与ashrae用的多项式维里方程计算的偏差焓和偏差熵进行了比较,误差很小。
用"third virial coefficient"造句  
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